Imitation Gold Leaf is known by many names in the trade such as Dutch Metal, Schlag Leaf, Faux Gold Leaf. Imitation Gold Leaf is a brass composite and is used as a cheaper alternative to Genuine Gold Leaf for a similar effect. This will tarnish and so is only recommended for interior use and to be sealed with a varnish or universal lacquer. There are two grades of Imitation Gold Leaf, a standard grade and an Italian grade which is of a slightly better quality. The standard range is available in two shades which are Shade 2.5 (similar to 23.5ct Genuine Gold Leaf) and Shade 2 (similar to 22ct Genuine Gold Leaf). The Italian range is available in three shades which are Shade 2.5 (similar to 23.5ct Genuine Gold Leaf), Shade 2 (similar to 22ct Genuine Gold Leaf) and Shade 1 (which has a reddish hue to it similar to 23ct Red Leaf) Imitation Gold Leaf is available in booklets of Loose Leaf and Transfer Leaf, each leaf measuring 140mm x 140mm. Loose Leaf is where the leaves are placed between the pages of the booklet and Transfer Leaf is where the leaves are adhered to a piece of waxed tissue between the pages of the booklet. It is also available in bundles of 100, 500, 1000, 5000 or 10,000 sheets of loose leaves, each measuring 160mm x 160mm. The gilding process is the same of when using Genuine Gold Leaf, a gilding size is thinly applied to the surface and once a dry tack has been obtained, like a tack of a post-it note, it is then ready to adhere the Leaf.